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Subscribe to an API

APIs Published in WSO2 API Cloud are secured with OAuth tokens. Therefore, an API consumer should first subscribe to the API and generate an OAuth token before invoking the API. To subscribe to an API, you need to create an application.

Follow the instructions below try out subscribing to an API:

  1. Sign in to (WSO2 API Cloud)[] with your credentials. This opens the API Publisher portal.

  2. On the API Publisher, click an API to open it.


    Here we use the PhoneVerification API that is created by following the tutorial create and publish an API.

  3. the Overview tab of the API, click View in Store. This takes you to the PhoneVerification API overview page in the API Store. Note the subscription options on the right-hand side of the page.

  4. Under Applications select New Application. This takes you to the Add Application page.

  5. Specify the following values and click Add to register an OAuth2.0 application, which you can use to consume the PhoneVerification API.

    Name TestApp
    Per Token Quota 50PerMin
    This displays a message requesting whether you want to return to the API detail page. Click Yes.

  6. On the API detail page,

    • Under Applications, select the newly created TestApp application.
    • Under Tiers, select Bronze.
  7. Click Subscribe.

This subscribes the TestApp application to the PhoneVerification API on the selected business plan, and displays a message that you have successfully subscribed.

Now if you want to invoke the PhoneVerification API, you can generate production keys for the TestApp application and test it with the access token that you generated.
