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Migrate APIs and Applications to a Target Tenant Using the CLI Tool

WSO2 API Cloud allows you to export and import APIs and applications between tenants using a CLI tool. For example, if you have an API running in a particular tenant (e.g., [email protected]@testorgs), you can use the CLI tool to export the API and then import it to another tenant environment (e.g., [email protected]@testorg1). Therefore, you do not have to take the time to create APIs and applications from scratch when you want to have the same APIs and applications in a different tenant.

Understand the API import/export tool

The API import/export tool uses a RESTful API protected by basic authentication.

The export functionality

The API export functionality retrieves the information required for the requested API from the registry and databases and generates a ZIP file, which the exporter can download. This exported ZIP file has the following structure:

Structure of the exported ZIP

The structure of the ZIP file is described below:

Sub directory/File Description

Meta Information

  • `api.json:` contains all the basic information required for an API to be imported to another environment

  • `swagger.json:` contains the API swagger definition


  • `docs.json:` contains the summary of all the documents available for the API

  • Add the uploaded files for API documentation also

Image Thumbnail image of the API
WSDL WSDL file of the API
Sequences The sequences available for the API

The import functionality

The import functionality uploads the exported ZIP file of the API to the target environment. It creates a new API with all the registry and database resources exported from the source environment. Note the following:

  • The life cycle status of an imported API will always be CREATED even when the original API in the source environment has a different state. This is to enable the importer to modify the API before publishing it.
  • Tiers and sequences are provider-specific. If an exported tier is not already available in the imported environment, that tier is not added to the new environment. However, if an exported sequence is not available in the imported environment, it is added.
  • The importer can decide whether to keep the original provider’s name or replace it. Set the --preserve-provider flag to true to keep it. If you set it to false, the original provider is replaced by the user who is sending the CLI command. When working with the API cloud you need to set this flag to false, because exporting and importing happen between tenants in the API cloud.
  • Cross-tenant imports are not allowed by preserving the original provider. For example, if an API is exported from tenant A and imported to tenant B, the value of the --preserve-provider flag must always be false.

Get Started


After running the CLI tool be sure to add an environment before you start working with the import/export CLI commands.This is necessary because all APIs and applications need to be imported or exported to a specific environment.

Run the CLI tool

  1. Go to

  2. Under the Assets section, click on a required installer depending on your operating system (i.e., MacOS, Linux, Windows). This downloads the appropriate CLI tool.

  3. Once the download completes, extract the downloaded CLI tool to a preferred location and cd into it.

  4. Navigate to the working directory where the executable of the CLI tool resides.

  5. Execute the following command to start the CLI tool.

  6. Add the location of the extracted folder to your system's $PATH variable to be able to access the executable from anywhere.


    For further instructions execute the following command.

    apimcli --help

Set global flags for CLI tool

The following are some global flags that you can use with the CLI tool.

    Enable verbose logs (Provides more information on execution)
--insecure, -k
    Allow connections to SSL sites without certs
--help, -h
    Display information and example usage of a command

Add environment

You can add an environment by running the following CLI command.


In API cloud importing and exporting of APIs and Applications take place between tenants as opposed to environments. Therefore, you need to only add one environment in the CLI tool. This environment will be used between tenants to call the endpoints of the API cloud.

apimcli add-env
  1. Make sure that the CLI import/export tool is running.
  2. Run the following CLI command in the specified format depending on your operating system:

    • Command format on Linux should be as follows:

      apimcli add-env -n <environment-name> \
                      --registration <registration-endpoint> \
                      --apim <API-Manager-endpoint> \
                      --token <token-endpoint> \
                      --import-export <endpoint-for-environment> \
                      --admin <admin-REST-API-endpoint> \
                      --api_list <API-listing-REST-API-endpoint> \
                      --app_list <application-listing-REST-API-endpoint>

      The flags you can set are as follows:

      Required flags:
      --name, -n : As we only need one environment when working with the API cloud, name the environment as wso2apicloud

      There are no short flags for the following flags: - --registration

      • --apim

      • --token

      • --import-export

      • --admin

      • --api_list

      • --app_list


      apimcli add-env -n wso2apicloud \
                            --registration \
                            --apim \
                            --token \
                            --import-export \
                            --admin \
                            --api_list \

      Response Format:

      Successfully added environment '<environment-name>'

      Example Response:

      Successfully added environment 'wso2apicloud'

    • Command format on Mac OS should be as follows:

             apimcli add-env -n <environment-name> --registration <registration-endpoint> --apim <API-Manager-endpoint> --token <token-endpoint> --import-export <endpoint-for-environment> --admin <admin-REST-API-endpoint> --api_list <API-listing-REST-API-endpoint> --app_list <application-listing-REST-API-endpoint>

      The flags you can set are as follows:

      Required flags:
      --name, -n : As we only need one environment when working with the API cloud, name the environment as wso2apicloud.

      There are no short flags for the following flags: - --registration

      • --apim

      • --token

      • --import-export

      • --admin

      • --api_list

      • --app_list


      apimcli add-env -n wso2apicloud --registration --apim --token --import-export --admin --api_list --app_list

      Response Format:

      Successfully added environment '<environment-name>'

      Example Response:

      Successfully added environment 'wso2apicloud'


    Why do I get the following error?

       [ERROR]: parsing /Users/<user-profile-name>/.wso2apimcli/env_keys_all.yaml
       panic: runtime error: invalid memory address or nil pointer dereference
       [signal SIGSEGV: segmentation violation code=0x1 addr=0x0 pc=0x1343b82]
    You get the above error if you have worked with two CLI tools. Carry out the following steps if you get the above error:

    1. View the env_keys_all.yaml file and check if there are any NULL values.

    2. Delete the env_keys_all.yaml file.

    3. Execute the command that you initially executed.
      For example if you got this error when trying to add an environment, then follow the steps mentioned under Adding an environment to reattempt to add the environment .

List environments

  1. Make sure that the CLI import/export tool is running.
  2. Run the following CLI command to list the environments.
    There are no flags for the following CLI command:

    • Command:

       apimcli list envs

    • Response:

      Environments available in file '/Users/kim/.wso2apimcli/main_config.yaml'



Migrate APIs to a target tenant

Export an API

  1. Make sure that the CLI import/export tool is running.
  2. Run the following CLI command to export an existing API as a .zip archive.

    • Command:

      apimcli export-api -n <API-name> -v <version> -r <provider> -e <environment> -u <username> -p <password> -k
      apimcli export-api --name <API-name> --version <version> --provider <provider> --environment <environment> --username <username> --password <password> --insecure


      • Required flags:
      • --name, -n
      • --version, -v
      • --provider, -r : The provider should be as follows: <username>@<organization-key>
        For example, [email protected]@testorgs
      • --environment, -e : The name of the environment that you created in the API cloud, which is as follows: wso2apicloud. `
      • --insecure, -k : This allows connections to SSL sites without certificates.
    • Example:

      apimcli export-api -n PhoneVerification -v 1.0.0 -r [email protected]@testorgs -e wso2apicloud -k

    • Response:

      Successfully exported API!
      Find the exported API at /Users/kim/.wso2apimcli/exported/apis/wso2apicloud/

Import an API


When you import an API, regardless the status of the imported API it will be added with the created state and you need to sign in to the Publisher and publish the API.

You can use the archive created in the previous section to import APIs to an API Manager instance.

  1. Make sure that the CLI import/export tool is running.


    If you have enabled secure endpoints when creating the API and your username or/and password differs in the two environments, please follow the steps below before importing the API.

    1. Unzip the .zip archive created in the previous section.

    2. Go to the <API-name-version>/Meta-information directory and open the api.json file.
    For example, PhoneVerification_1.0.0/Meta-information directory and open the api.json file.

    3. Modify the endpointUTPassword with your endpoint password and save the api.json file.

    4. Compress the PhoneVerification_1.0.0 folder to a folder named myExportedAPI. `

  2. Run the following CLI command and when prompted for credentials enter your user name and password to import an API.

    • Command:

      apimcli import-api -f <environment>/<file> -e <environment> -u <username> -p <password> --preserve-provider <preserve_provider> -k
      apimcli import-api --file <environment>/<file> --environment <environment> --username <username> --password <password> --preserve-provider <preserve_provider> --insecure


      • Required flags:
        • --file, -f : The file path of the exported API. For example, if your file path is /Users/kim/.wso2apimcli/exported/apis/wso2apicloud/, then you need to enter wso2apicloud/ as the value for this flag.
        • --environment, -e : The name of the environment that you created in the API cloud, which is as follows: wso2apicloud.
        • --insecure, -k : This allows connections to SSL sites without certificates.
        • --preserve-provider : The importer can decide whether to keep the original provider’s name or replace it. When working with the API cloud, you need to set this value to false because you need to import the API from a different tenant and replace the original tenant's details.
    • Example:

      apimcli import-api -f wso2apicloud/ -e wso2apicloud --preserve-provider=false -k

    • Response:

      ZipFilePath is /Users/kim/.wso2apimcli/exported/apis/wso2apicloud/
      Successfully imported API wso2apicloud/

List APIs


If you happen to list APIs that belong to a particular tenant (e.g., [email protected]@testorg1) and then you want to list APIs that belong to aother tenant (e.g., [email protected]@testorgs), be sure to first reset the user before listing APIs again.

  1. Make sure that the CLI import/export tool is running.
  2. Run the following CLI command to list the APIs.


    You need to specify the user name as username@organization-key. For example, [email protected]@testorgs.

    • Command:

      apimcli list apis -e <environment> -k
      apimcli list apis --environment <environment> --insecure


      • Required flags:
        • --environment, -e : The name of the environment that you created in the API cloud, which is as follows: wso2apicloud.
        • --insecure, -k
    • Example:

      apimcli list apis -e wso2apicloud -k

    • Response:

      Environment: wso2apicloud
      No. of APIs: 2
      |       NAME        | VERSION |         CONTEXT         |  STATUS   |    PROVIDER           |                  ID                  |
      | PhoneVerification | 1.0.0   | /t/testorg1/phoneverify | CREATED   | [email protected]@testorg1 | e72e2291-d135-4a1c-ba03-9278ede71075 |
      | WorldBank         | 1.0.0   | /t/testorg1/wb          | PUBLISHED | [email protected]@testorg1 | b89a62a7-c27a-4fcc-9d24-0db0ee63d289 |

Migrate applications to a target tenant

Export an application

You can export applications from the Devportal and download them as a zipped file.

  1. Make sure that the CLI import/export tool is running.
  2. Run the following CLI command to export an existing application as a .zip archive.


    You need to specify the user name as username@organization-key. For example, [email protected]@testorgs.

    • Command:

      apimcli export-app -n <application-name> -o <owner> -e <environment> -k
      apimcli export-app --name <application-name> --owner <owner> --environment <environment> --insecure


      • Required flags:
        • --name, -n
        • --owner, -o : The owner should be as follows: <username>@<organization-key>
          For example, [email protected]@testorgs
        • --environment, -e : The name of the environment that you created in the API cloud, which is as follows: wso2apicloud.
        • --insecure, -k : This allows connections to SSL sites without certificates.
    • Example:

      apimcli export-app -n TestApp -o [email protected]@testorg1 -e wso2apicloud -k

    • Response:

      ZipFilePath is /Users/kim/.wso2apimcli/exported/apis/wso2apicloud/
      Successfully imported API wso2apicloud/

Import an application


If you have been executing previous commands specifying credentials of a particular tenant and now you want to run the import application CLI command for another tenant, then you need to first reset the user before running the import an application command.

You can import an application to a target tenant as a zipped application. When you import an application as a zipped file, a new application is created within the target tenant.

  1. Make sure that the CLI import/export tool is running.
  2. Run the following CLI command to import an existing ap plicatio n as a .zip archive.

    • Command:

      apimcli import-app -f <environment>/<file> -e <environment> -s <skip_subscriptions> -o <owner> -r <preserve_owner> -k
      apimcli import-app --file <environment>/<file> --environment <environment> --skipSubscriptions <skip_subscriptions> --owner <owner> --preserveOwner <preserve_owner> --insecure


      • Required flags:
        • --file, -f : The file path of the exported App. For example, if your file path is /Users/kim/.wso2apimcli/exported/apps/wso2apicloud/[email protected], then you need to enter wso2apicloud/ as the value for this flag.
        • --environment, -e : The name of the environment that you created in the API cloud, which is as follows: wso2apicloud.
        • --insecure, -k : This allows connections to SSL sites without certificates.
        • --skipSubscriptions, -s
          You can opt to skip importing the subscriptions of the application by defining this flag. This parameter is set to false by default.
        • --owner, -o The owner of the imported application can be specified by providing an username of a valid user based on your preference. The application importer can set the preferred owner’s username as the value of the --owner or -o flag.
        • --preserveOwner, -r
          You can also import the application by preserving the application owner information, based on the previous tenant. The application importer can add the --preserveOwner or -r flag in order to define that this flag is set to true. This parameter is set to false by default. Therefore, the default value is used when you do not define this flag. If you import the application without specifying any of the optional flags, you will be added as the owner of the application in the imported environment. If both the --owner and the --preserveOwner flags are set, then the --owner flag gets higher priority over the --preserveOwner flag.
    • Example:

      apimcli import-app -f wso2apicloud/[email protected] -e wso2apicloud -o [email protected]@testorgs --preserveOwner --skipSubscriptions -u [email protected]@testorgs -p admin123# -k

    • Response:

      ZipFilePath is /Users/kim/.wso2apimcli/exported/apps/wso2apicloud/[email protected]
      Completed importing the Application wso2apicloud/[email protected]
      Succesfully imported Application!

List apps

  1. Make sure that the CLI import/export tool is running.
  2. Run the following CLI command to list the apps.


    You need to specify the user name as username@organization-key. For example, [email protected]@testorgs.

    • Command:

      apimcli list apps -e <environment> -o <owner> -k
      apimcli list apps --environment <environment> --owner <owner> --insecure


      • Required flags:
        • --environment, -e : The name of the environment that you created in the API cloud, which is as follows: wso2apicloud.
        • --owner, -o
        • --insecure, -k : This allows connections to SSL sites without certificates.
    • Example:

      apimcli list apps -e wso2apicloud -o admin -k

    • Response:

      Environment: wso2apicloud
      No. of Applicationss: 2
      |       ID                             |        NAME        | OWNER |  STATUS | GROUP-ID |                    
      | e13b5bcf-dee5-48fe-9f23-bf46fc17a378 | DefaultApplication |       | APPROVED |          |
      | 153ad3d3-fa26-4dda-af54-27eee3327848 | TestApp.           |       | APPROVED |          |

Reset user

If you want to list APIs or applications that belong to a particular tenant, you need to first reset the user before listing APIs or applications for the particular tenant.

  1. Make sure that the CLI import/export tool is running.
  2. Run the following CLI command to reset user details.

    • Command:

      apimcli reset-user -e <environment>
      apimcli reset-user --environment <environment>


      • Required flags:
        • --environment, -e : The name of the environment that you created in the API cloud, which is as follows: wso2apicloud.
    • Example:

      apimcli reset-user -e wso2apicloud

    • Response:

      Successfully cleared user data for environment: wso2apicloud

Check the version of the CLI

  1. Make sure that the CLI import/export tool is running.
  2. Run the following CLI command to check the version of the CLI.

    • Command:


      There are no flags to set for the following CLI commands:

      apimcli version
    • Example:

      apimcli Version: 1.1.0

Set HTTP request timeout

  1. Make sure that the CLI import/export tool is running.
  2. Run the following CLI command to set the HTTP request timeout.

    • Command:

      apimcli set --http-request-timeout <http-request-timeout>


      • Required flags:
        • `--http-request-timeout
    • Example:

      apimcli set --http-request-timeout 10000

Set export directory

  1. Make sure that the CLI import/export tool is running.
  2. Run the following CLI command to the change the default location of the export directory.

    • Command:

      apimcli set --export-directory <export-directory-path>
    • Example:

      apimcli set --export-directory /Users/kim/Downloads/MyExports
