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Discover APIs

The API Store of WSO2 API Cloud allows API publishers to publicize their APIs and also to easily discover APIs published by others.

An API Consumer can search for and explore APIs in the API Store using any of the following search criteria:

Criterion Search Syntax
API name As this is the default option, simply enter the API's name and search.
API provider

provider:xxxx . For example, provider:admin

Provider is the user who created the API.

API version

version:xxxx . For example, version:1.0.0

A version is given to an API at the time it is created.

API context

context:xxxx. For example, context:/phoneverify

Context is the URL context of the API that is specified as /<context_name> at the time the API is created.

API status

status:xxxx . For example, status:PUBLISHED

A state is any stage of an API's lifecycle. The default lifecycle stages include created, prototyped, published, deprecated, retired and blocked.

API description


A description can be given to an API at the time it is created or later. There can be APIs without descriptions as this parameter is optional.

API subcontext

subcontext:xxxx . For example, subcontext:/checkphonenumber.

A subcontext is the URL pattern of any resource of the API. API resources are created at the time the API is created or later when it is modified. For example, if you create a resource by the name checkphonenumber, then checkphonenumber becomes one subcontext of the API.

Content of the API documentation


You can create API documentation in-line (using the API Publisher UI itself), by uploading a file or referring to an external URL. This search enables you to give a sentence or word phrase that is inside the in-line documentation and find the API that the documentation is added for.

API tag

tag:xxxx . For example, tag:pizza

A tag can be given to an API at the time it is created or later. There can be APIs without tags as this parameter is optional.

Microgateway label

label:xxxx . For example, label:marketing

A label is used to group APIs based on the microgateway distribution. It can be given to an API at the time it is created or later. There can be APIs without labels as this parameter is optional.

A custom property


A property can be defined to an API at the time it is created or later. There can be APIs without properties as this parameter is optional.
