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Configure Alerts

WSO2 API Cloud supports various alert types to monitor API-related statistics. Some alert types are enabled by default, which you can subscribe right-away. However, There are a few alert types that you need to first configure in order to be able to subscribe.

Depending on your requirement, go to the appropriate tab for step-by-step instructions on configuring API Publisher alerts and API Store alerts.


You need to be the API owner to configure alert thresholds for an API.

Configure Publisher alerts

You can configure, update, or delete alerts of the following alert types via the Publisher:

  • Abnormal Response Time
  • Abnormal Backend Time

The health availability publisher alert type is enabled by default. You can decide whether you want to subscribe to it depending on your requirement. For instructions on how to subscribe to this alert type, see Subscribe to alerts.

The following topics provide instructions on how you can configure, update, or delete abnormal response time alerts.

Configure an abnormal response time alert

Follow the steps below to set up an abnormal response time alert for a particular API:

  1. Sign in to WSO2 API Cloud with your credentials. This opens the API Publisher portal.

    This displays the Manage Alert Types page.
  3. Click the settings icon that corresponds to the Abnormal Response Time alert.



    If you are configuring an Abnormal Response Time alert for the first time, you will see that the Abnormal Response Time alert check box is disabled.

    This displays the Configure 'Abnormal Response Time' Alert page where you can set up an Abnormal Response Time alert for an API.

  4. Select the API for which you need to set up the alert, and then specify the expected response Time in milliseconds.


    When the response time of the API exceeds the specified time, an alert is triggered to indicate that the runtime or backend is slow.

  5. Click Save . This configures an Abnormal Response Time alert for the specified API.

    When you configure at least one Abnormal Response Time alert , and then go to the Manage Alert Types page, you can see that the check box to select the Abnormal Response Time alert type is enabled.

Update an abnormal response time alert

Follow the steps below to update the response time of an abnormal response time alert that you have already set up:

  1. Sign in to WSO2 API Cloud with your credentials. This opens the API Publisher portal.

    This displays the Manage Alert Types page.
  3. Click the settings icon that corresponds to the Abnormal Response Time alert.

    This displays the Configure 'Abnormal Response Time' Alert page where you can update the response time of an alert that you have already set up.
  4. Select the API specified in the alert that you want to update, and then specify the new response time in milliseconds.
  5. Click Save . This updates the response time of the alert.

Delete an abnormal response time alert

Follow the steps below to delete an abnormal response time alert that you have set up:

  1. Sign in to WSO2 API Cloud with your credentials. This opens the API Publisher portal.

    This displays the Manage Alert Types page.
  3. Click the settings icon that corresponds to the Abnormal Response Time alert.
  4. In the Alert Configurations section, click Remove corresponding to the alert entry that you want to delete.
    This displays a message to confirm deletion.
  5. Click Yes to remove the alert entry.

The following topics provide instructions on how you can configure, update, or delete backend time time alerts.

Configure an abnormal backend time alert

Follow the steps below to set up an abnormal backend time alert for a particular API:

  1. Sign in to WSO2 API Cloud with your credentials. This opens the API Publisher portal.

    This displays the Manage Alert Types page.
  3. Click the settings icon that corresponds to the Abnormal Backend Time alert.



    If you are configuring an Abnormal Backend Time alert for the first time, you will see that the Abnormal Backend Time alert check box is disabled.

    This displays the Configure 'Abnormal Backend Time' Alert page where you can set up Abnormal Backend Time alerts for APIs.

  4. Select the API for which you need to set up the alert, and then specify the expected backend Time in milliseconds.


    When the backend time of an API exceeds the defined time, an alert is triggered to indicate that the backend is slow. In technical terms, an alert is triggered when the backend time of a particular API of a tenant falls outside the predefined value.

  5. Click Save . This configures an Abnormal Backend Time alert for the specified API.

    When you configure at least one Abnormal Backend Time alert , and then go to the Manage Alert Types page, you can see that the check box to select the Abnormal Backend Time alert type is enabled.

Update an abnormal backend time alert

  1. Sign in to WSO2 API Cloud with your credentials. This opens the API Publisher portal.

    This displays the Manage Alert Types page.
  3. Click the settings icon that corresponds to the Abnormal Backend Time alert.

    This displays the Configure 'Abnormal Backend Time' Alert page where you can update the backend time of an alert that you have already set up.
  4. Select the API specified in the alert that you want to update, and then specify the new backend Time in milliseconds.
  5. Click Save . This updates the backend time of the alert.

Delete an abnormal backend time alert

Follow the steps below to delete an abnormal backend time alert that you have set up:

  1. Sign in to WSO2 API Cloud with your credentials. This opens the API Publisher portal.
  2. Click Manage Alert Types .

    This displays the Manage Alert Types page.
  3. Click the settings icon that corresponds to the Abnormal Response Time alert.
  4. In the Alert Configurations section, click Remove corresponding to the alert entry that you want to delete.

    This displays a message to confirm deletion.
  5. Click Yes to delete the alert entry.

Once you configure required alerts, you can follow the instructions here to subscribe to WSO2 API Cloud Publisher alerts.

Configure Store alerts

You can configure, update, or delete Abnormal Request Count alerts via the Store:

The following Store alerts are enabled by default:

  • Abnormal Resource Access
  • Unseen Source IP Access
  • Tier Crossing

You can decide whether you want to subscribe to these default alerts depending on your requirement. For instructions on how to subscribe to Store alerts, see Subscribe to alerts.

Click on a required topic for instructions depending on whether you want to configure, update, or delete an alert.

Configure an abnormal request count alert

  1. Sign in to the API Store using your credentials. This opens the API Store.
  2. Expand the STATISTICS menu, and then click MANAGE ALERTS .

    This displays the Manage Alerts page.
  3. Click the settings icon that corresponds to the Abnormal Request Count alert.



    If you are configuring an Abnormal Request Count alert for the first time, you will see that the Abnormal Request Count alert check box is disabled.

    This displays the Configure 'Abnormal Request Count' Alert page where you can set up Abnormal Request Count alerts.

  4. Select the Application Name for which you need to set up the alert.

  5. Select the API for which you need to set up the alerts.


    Only the APIs that you have subscribed to by using the specified application are displayed.

  6. Specify the expected Request Count per minute.


    When the request count of the API exceeds the defined time period, an alert is triggered. These alerts indicate possible high traffic, suspicious activity, possible malfunction of the client application etc.

  7. Click Save . This configures an Abnormal Request Count alert for the specified API resource.

    When you configure at least one Abnormal Request Count alert , and then go to the Manage Alerts page, you can see that the check box to select the Abnormal Request Count alert type is enabled.

Update an abnormal request count alert

  1. Sign in to the API Store using your credentials. This opens the API Store.
  2. Expand the STATISTICS menu, and then click MANAGE ALERTS .

    This displays the Manage Alerts page.
  3. Click the settings icon that corresponds to the Abnormal Request Count alert.

    This displays the Configure 'Abnormal Request Count' Alert page where you can update the request count of an alert that you have already set up.
  4. Select the Application Name and API corresponding to the alert that you want to update, and then specify the new Request Count per minute .
  5. Click Save . This updates the request count of the alert.

Delete an abnormal request count alert

Follow the steps below to delete an abnormal request count alert that you have set up:

  1. Sign in to the API Store using your credentials. This opens the API Store.
  2. Expand the STATISTICS menu, and then click MANAGE ALERTS .

    This displays the Manage Alerts page.
  3. Click the settings icon that corresponds to the Abnormal Request Count alert.
  4. In the Alert Configurations section, click Remove corresponding to the alert entry that you want to delete.
    This displays a message to confirm deletion.
  5. Click Yes to delete the alert entry.

Once you configure required alerts, you can follow the instructions here to subscribe to WSO2 API Cloud Store alerts.
