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Design an API Using Existing Swagger Definition

A Swagger definition is a format that describes REST APIs. Follow the instructions below to design a REST API using the swagger definition of an existing API.

Create an API using basic flow

  1. Sign in to WSO2 API Cloud by providing your username and password. This opens the API Publisher portal.

  2. Close the interactive tutorial that starts automatically if you are a first-time user, and then click ADD NEW API.

  3. Select I Have an Existing API and then click Start Creating.

  4. Select OpenAPI URL and provide as the URL. Click NEXT.

  5. Edit the information as given below and then click CREATE.

    Field Sample value
    Name Petstore
    Context /petstore
    Version 1.0.0

    This redirects you to the overview page of the Petstore API.


Navigate to Resources tab and notice that all the API resources are created automatically when the Swagger URL is specified.

API Definition

  1. Navigate to API Definition and Click Edit to remove the security headers. This is required to invoke the API in the developer portal using the Swagger UI.

  2. Remove the security tag from the /pet POST resource given below.

    Swagger - Post resource

        //remove the following code snippet
                - petstore_auth:
                    - 'write:pets'
                    - 'read:pets'
  3. Remove the security pet/{petId} GET resource given below:

    Swagger - Get resource

            //remove the following code snippet
            - api_key: []
    4. After removing the security tags, click Update Contents to save the changes.


  • Navigate to the Endpoints page, enter the information given below, and then click SAVE.

    Field Sample value
    Endpoint type HTTP/REST endpoint
    Production endpoint
    Sandbox endpoint Providing only the production endpoint is sufficient.

Runtime Configuration

Navigate to Runtime Configuration page. Transport Level Security defines the transport protocol on which the API is exposed.


Both HTTP and HTTPS transports are selected by default. If you want to limit the API availability to only one transport (e.g., HTTPS), be sure to clear the checkbox of the other transport.


Navigate to Subscriptions page and select Gold and Silver as the Bussiness plans. After Click SAVE


The API can be available at different levels of service and allows you to limit the number of successful hits to an API during a given period of time.

Now, you have successfully designed a REST API from an existing swagger definition. Next you can go ahead and publish the API.
